Prodigal 1

À propos de Prodigal 1

Prodigal 1 (BIO)

I would like to introduce to you Prodigal 1.
Prodigal 1 has been involved in music about
Ten years. If you are familiar with this story,
you should be aware that they have lived a life
that many would call wasteful or displeasing,
seeking after the things that only lead to
destruction. They have used and been used by
people from all walks of life, and through-out
their journey they have encountered many snares
and traps of Satan. They have been involved in
speaking and teaching youth as well as adults
that no matter how bad we have messed up, or how hopeless we may feel, there is a God that will welcome us home if we choose to accept His gift.

Prodigal 1 will, for the rest of their lives on this earth, share with you through the gift that was given to them, solutions to everyday situations. They understand that they are only a vessel and all acknowledgements and praise belongs to God. They are not the first and will not be the last to share with those who want to hear God’s message through “Hip-Hop Rap” or whatever the world chooses to call it.

Prodigal 1 understands that the demonic spiritual forces that have been unleashed through music and other avenues in the entertainment field has deceived many by making them believe that they have to accept what this world has given them. They were once blinded and deceived by the same things and have come to realize that this fight is spiritual and not physical. No matter what situation you may find yourself in, no matter how hopeless you may feel, no matter how much fear reigns in your heart, Prodigal 1 truly believes that if you cast all your cares unto God, He will direct your paths. We pray that this music ministry will make you aware that God is a God of another chance.


All those who represent Christ by there talk and walk!! 1John 1:9


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